Monday, May 18, 2009

A Long Overdue Update...

It's been a long time since we have had a new post here...not that anyone has been beating down our demanding updates. Still, I wanted to get a quick recap of our last contest up and preview our upcoming competition as well.

We have been extremely busy the past few weeks, providing BBQ Dodge County style for graduations, first communions, birthday parties, church fundraisers and corporate events. Add to that a couple of contests, the day job and family stuff and that's made for a pretty busy late April/May.

A few weekends ago (May 1/2) Chris and I went to Lansing, KS to a contest that we won last year. We did OK, finishing in the top 5 overall and snagging 4 awards for top ten finishes in brisket (3rd), pork (5th), ribs (7th) and chicken (8th). I would not be telling the truth if I said we were not hoping for a better finish, but 5th is respectable and there was some good competion at this one. Congrats to Chris Cox and his Brew n' BBQ team for a solid win.

This weekend we'll be setting up shop at the Great American BBQ contest. This will be the first time that this event will be held at Sandstone Amphitheater and I am excited to see how it will work out. Chris and I have a few things to grab this week, then we'll be ready to cook. It's acually three contests in one weekend with the GAB Invitational on Friday/Saturday, the open on Saturday/Sunday and the Oklahoma Joe's World Brisket Open happening this weekend as well.

We'll wrap this one up with a few pictures from the Lansing contest. Enjoy!

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